How To Check Your Pages You Like Activity History In Facebook

[怎樣查看Facebook專頁裡的Like是否來自彊屍粉/假粉]·去·[[輸入]]你想查看的[[FacebookPageID]].·查看結果 ...,FacebookLikeChecker...經過3年多的學習和嘗試,已開課超過20堂以上和企業內訓目前經營2個10萬人以上社團、數個萬人社團及粉絲頁和...。參考影片的文章的如下:


如何查看Facebook專頁彊屍粉假Like (How to Check Facebook Like ...

[怎樣查看Facebook 專頁裡的Like是否來自彊屍粉/ 假粉] · 去 · [[ 輸入]] 你想查看的[[ Facebook Page ID ]]. · 查看結果 ...

Facebook Like Checker | 社群x內容

Facebook Like Checker ... 經過3年多的學習和嘗試,已開課超過20堂以上和企業內訓目前經營2個10萬人以上社團、數個萬人社團及粉絲頁和多個自架wordpress部落格現有4個社群 ...


A simple app to check the number of likes and shares a set of URLs or a sitemap.

Track Facebook likes and shares on your website with Insights

Just paste the URL of your page or post, and the tool will tell you instantly how many shares it has gotten. Facebook Share and Like checker. URL of post or ...

See insights for your Facebook Page's likes

You can see the number of times your Page was liked, broken down by where it happened in Insights.

Facebook Likes Checker

This tool will let you know how many likes, shares and comments a website has. Just enter the website into the field below to retrieve all information.

《 FACEBOOK LIKE CHECKER 》檢查粉絲國籍僵屍粉無所遁形

《FACEBOOK LIKE CHECKER》是個網頁工具,你可以在他們的網頁上直接輸入一個Facebook 粉絲團的網址,接著他就會自動進行按讚粉絲國籍的檢查,還是要提醒一下, ...

FACEBOOK LIKE CHECKER 臉書粉絲團照妖鏡,一鍵檢測粉絲專頁 ...


How do I check who likes my Facebook Page?

評分 9.5/10 (113) Go to the Business Manager page of Facebook and access your Page. Next, go to the Settings tab in the top right corner as seen below (image edited for size ...

Facebook Like Checker 一秒殭屍粉絲現形

現在只需透過「Facebook Like Checker」,立即就可知道粉絲的分佈的國家與數量,如此一下來就可知道當初買累積的粉絲是真是假囉!


[怎樣查看Facebook專頁裡的Like是否來自彊屍粉/假粉]·去·[[輸入]]你想查看的[[FacebookPageID]].·查看結果 ...,FacebookLikeChecker...經過3年多的學習和嘗試,已開課超過20堂以上和企業內訓目前經營2個10萬人以上社團、數個萬人社團及粉絲頁和多個自架wordpress部落格現有4個社群 ...,,Justpastet...